Print Price List

Price List Submit DTD

PriceList provides a complete and comprehensive list of pricing options available including the following for each item:

No Free Good Bonus are included

The promoted price returned will be either the best single promotion or the result of optimum grouping of stackable promotions whichever is the lowest item price.

This transaction requires intense processing and data volume so response times may be longer than other transactions. Customers should limit their PriceList requests.

The PriceList Submit DTD:

<!ELEMENT XML_PriceList_Submit (
    Detail  ) >

    <!ELEMENT Header (
        TransControlID? ,
        ResponseVersion? ) >

        <!ELEMENT UserName              (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT Password              (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT TransControlID        (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT ResponseVersion       (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT Detail (
        LineInfo+ ) >

        <!ELEMENT LineInfo (
            AssignedID? ,
            RefIDQual ,
            ReturnAvailability? ) >
            <!ELEMENT AssignedID         (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT RefIDQual          (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT RefID              (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ReturnAvailability (#PCDATA) >

An example of a PriceList  submit message:

Price List Submit Data Fields

The following table provides a detail description of each element defined in the XML_PriceList_Submit.dtd.

Element Name
Max Len
Header R      
UserName R EC logon ID assigned by Tech Data A/N Note 1
Password R Password assigned by Tech Data A/N Note 1
TransSetIDCode R Value must be 864Send A/N 7
TransControlID O Unique tracking identifier assigned by the customer for each PriceList submit document A/N 100
ResponseVersion O Designates the Response DTD version that will be returned.
  • If omitted, the oldest supported Response DTD version is returned
  • In order to receive the latest functionality, you should specify the “highest” available (newest) Response DTD version number
  • Using older version numbers will generate legacy Response messages with reduced data content and functionality
A/N 20
Detail R      
LineInfo R For each item number being inquired, submit one LineInfo node and its children    
AssignedID O Unique tracking identifier assigned by the customer for each detail line (item) requested within the PriceList submit message. A/N 100
RefIDQual R Two character code identifying the part number type that was contained in the PriceList submit message.  It identifies the part number type that is contained in the proceeding <RefID> element. 
Value Meaning
VP Tech Data item number
BP Buyer Part (customer’s) item number
MG Manufacturer’s item number
UP UPC (Universal Product Code)
A 2
RefID R The part number for which all pricing options is being requested A/N 20
ReturnAvailability O If this element is present and contains “Y” warehouse availability information will be returned in the response document. A 1
The actual maximum length is not documented.  Include on each XML message submitted the UserName and Password values assigned by your Master/Admin user.

PriceList Response DTD

The PriceList Response DTD:

<!ELEMENT XML_PriceList_Response(
    Header ,
    Detail ) >

    <!ELEMENT Header (
        TransControlID? ,
        ResponseVersion? ) >

        <!ELEMENT TransControlID        (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT ResponseVersion       (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT Detail (
        LineInfo+ ) >

        <!ELEMENT LineInfo (
            VolumePricing? ,
            ErrorInfo? ) >

            <!ELEMENT AssignedID                (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT RefIDQual1                (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT RefID1                    (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT RefIDQual2                (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT RefID2                    (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ProductDesc               (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ItemEUIRequired           (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT LicenseRequired           (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT CustomerPrice             (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT MSRP                      (#PCDATA) >

            <!ELEMENT PromotionInfo (
                PromoNumber* ) >

                <!ELEMENT OrderLevel            (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT MinimumQty            (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT MaximumQty            (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT PromotedPricePerUnit  (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT PromoEndDate          (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT PromoNumber           (#PCDATA) >

            <!ELEMENT VolumePricing ( PriceLevel+ ) >

                    <!ELEMENT PriceLevel(
                          BeginQty ,
                          VolumePrice ) >

                    <!ELEMENT BeginQty          (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT VolumePrice       (#PCDATA) >

            <!ELEMENT   AvailabilityInfo ( WhseInfo+ ) >   

                <!ELEMENT   WhseInfo (
                    IDCode ,
                    WhseCode? ,
                    ItemStatus? ) >

                    <!ELEMENT IDCode            (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT WhseCode          (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT Qty               (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT TotalOnOrderQty   (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT OnOrderQty        (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT OnOrderETADate    (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT ItemStatus        (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ErrorInfo (
                ErrorDesc ) >

                <!ELEMENT ErrorID               (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ErrorDesc             (#PCDATA) >

An example of a PriceList response:
    <Header />
                <OrderLevel />
                    <IDCode>SUWANEE, GA</IDCode>
                    <IDCode>SOUTH BEND, IN</IDCode>

Price List Response Data Fields

Element Name
Max Len
Header R      
TransControlID O Unique tracking identifier assigned by the customer for each Price List request message submitted. The content of the element sent by the customer within the XML message is returned, as is, to the customer within the Response message.  The primary function of these types of elements is for tracking purposes. A/N 100
ResponseVersion O Designates the Response DTD version A/N 20
Detail  R      
LineInfo R For each submitted LineInfo element one LineInfo node will be returned    
AssignedID O Unique tracking identifier assigned by the customer for each detail line (item) requested within the Price & Availability message. The content of the element sent by the customer within the XML message is returned as is to the customer within the Response message.  The primary function of these types of elements is for tracking purposes. A/N 100
RefIDQual1 O Two character code identifying the part number type that was contained in the Availability request message.  It identifies the part number type that is contained in the following <RefID1> element. 
Value Meaning
VP  Vendor Part (Tech Data’s)
BP Buyer Part (customer’s) number
UP UPC number
MG Manufacturer’s Part number
A/N 2
RefID1 O The part number for which an availability request is being submitted. A/N 20
RefIDQual2 O Two character code identifying the part number type that was contained in the Availability request message.  It identifies the part number type that is contained in the following <RefID2> element. 
Value Meaning
VP  Vendor Part (Tech Data’s)
BP Buyer Part (customer’s) number
UP UPC number
MG Manufacturer’s Part number
A/N 2
RefID2 O This element will contain the manufacturer’s part number when preceded by a <RefIDQual2> value of ‘MG’ A/N 20
ProductDesc O Product description A/N 50
ItemEUIRequired O A value of ‘Y’ in this field indicates that End User Information is required when ordering this item A 1
LicenseRequired O A value of ‘Y’ in this field indicates that a license is required when ordering this item A 1
CustomerPrice O The customer’s base price N 15(2)
MSRP O Manufacturer’s suggested retail price N 15(2)
PromotionInfo O Contains all information concerning the promotion(s) the customer is allowed for the item    
OrderLevel O This element is only used when Government or Education pricing is desired. 

Order Level codes for U.S. Customers

Value Meaning
EF Education (Student & Staff)
EH Education (Higher)
EL Education (K-12)
ER Education (Erate)
FE Federal
FG Federal GSA
ST State

Order Level codes for Canadian Customers

Value Meaning
EF Education (Student & Staff)
EH Education (Higher)
EL Education (K-12)
FE Federal
LO Local
PR Provincial
A 2
MinimumQty O The minimum quantity that must be ordered for this promotion to be applicable N 15
MaximumQty O The maximum quantity that can be ordered for this promotion to be applicable N 15
PromoEUIRequired O A value of ‘Y’ in this field indicates that End User Information is required for this  promotion to apply when ordering this item. N 1
PromotedPricePerUnit O The price of one of the items after this promotion has been applied N 15(2)
PromoEndDate O The last date this promotion is available. Promotions are available until the expiration date or while supplies last. N 10
PromoNumber O If a single promo is applied to derive the best price, this element is populated with the promo number. If more than one promo is applied, this element is populated with the word "MULTIPLE".
• ResponseVersion 1.5 or higher
N N 10
VolumePricing O Present it item has volume pricing
• ResponseVersion of 1.7 or higher
PriceLevel R Contains volume pricing information for the item
• ResponseVersion of 1.7 or higher
BeginQty R The beginning minimum quantity that must be ordered for volume pricing to be applicable
• ResponseVersion of 1.7 or higher
N 6
VolumePrice R The price of one of the items after this volume pricing has been applied
• ResponseVersion of 1.7 or higher
N 15(2)
AvailabilityInfo O Returned only if the submit document contained <ReturnAvailability> with a value of “Y”
• ResponseVersion of 1.5 or higher
WhseInfo   Only one occurrence of the <WhseInfo> element per Detail (order line) is allowed    
IDCode R Warehouse location name, i.e. SUWANEE, GA, SWEDESBORO, NJ, etc.  For a complete list of Tech Data’s logistic centers, refer to the Warehouse Codes heading found in the Order submit section A/N 16
WhseCode O Tech Data warehouse identifier.  For a complete list of Tech Data’s logistic centers, refer to the Warehouse Codes heading found in the Order submit section of this document. A/N A/N 4
Qty R Quantity of item in the warehouse
  • A negative value indicates the item is on back order
  • For warehouse 99 the value will be 9999
  • For products having limited availability the value will be -9999
N 15
TotalOnOrderQty O The total number on order for a designated warehouse location N 12
OnOrderQty O The earliest Expected-To-Arrive quantity for a designated warehouse. Is a sub-set of TotalOnOrderQty. N 10
OnOrderETADate C The earliest Expected-To-Arrive date for a designated warehouse. (format mm/dd/yy) A/N 8
ItemStatus O Tech Data stTech Data status of the requested item. Possible values include:
  • NEW
• ResponseVersion of 1.6 or higher
A 14
ErrorInfo O      
ErrorID O Not used at this time    
ErrorDesc O Error description A/N 100
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