NEW! Join Tech Data’s Cloud Insiders Community for the latest news, events and peer engagement opportunities. Learn More

About Cloud Insiders

Cloud Insiders is a newly launched initiative aimed at enabling our partner community along their digital transformation journey by providing the necessary tools, access to channel experts and resource to grow their cloud practice. Through collaboration and learning opportunities partners can build connections and their cloud fluency.

By becoming a member of our Cloud Insiders community you will be the first to know about latest updates, upcoming events, trainings and certifications, networking opportunities and more.

Cloud Insiders Programs

Cloud Insiders LIVE!

Join us for a new digital experience, Cloud Insiders LIVE! This conference is for our cloud community to learn, collaborate and connect. The event will feature training and certification opportunities, a chance to engage with leadership, vendor sponsors and channel experts, and much more.

Save the Date for Jun 14-18

Cloud Advisory Board

The Cloud Insiders Advisory Board is composed of members within the Tech Data Cloud community. Collectively they bring valuable expertise, knowledge, and appreciation of matters within their specialisms and regions to the table. They are asked for input into strategy, market offerings and have a hand at influencing the direction of key Cloud initiatives. Participation is invite only.


Cloud Insiders Roundtable is focused on highlighting partner voices to improve future business practices and key initiatives for Tech Data Cloud. This program involves monthly meetings with a new topic selected every month. Being part of these Roundtables gives us the chance to better connect with our partners and create meaningful change that will impact your business.

Upcoming Events



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JUN 14-18

Cloud Summit

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